Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thank You Allah (SWT): Did we get a bill from Allah (SWT)?


Assalamualaikum w.b.t ,

just want to share this kind of story to you all ya..huhu

A man reached 70 years of age and was affected by a disease which made him unable to urinate(urinate = buang air or kencing). The doctors told him that he needs an operation to cure the disease.

He agreed to do the operation as the problem was giving him severe pain for days. When the operation was completed the doctor gave him a bill which covered all the costs. After looking at the bill, the man started crying.

Upon seeing this, the doctor said, "If the cost is too high then we could make some other arrangements for you."

The old man replied,
"I am not crying because of the money but I am crying because Allah (SWT) let me urinate for 70 years and HE never sent me a bill!" SubhanAllah!

And He gives you of all that you ask Him; and if you count Allah's favors, you will not be able to number them; most surely man is very unjust, very ungrateful.
- Noble Qur'an (14:34)

Dan Dia telah memberikan kepadamu (keperluanmu) dan segala apa yang kamu mohonkan kepadanya. Dan jika kamu menghitung ni'mat Allah, tidaklah dapat kamu menghinggakannya. Sesungguhnya manusia itu, sangat zalim dan sangat mengingkari (ni'mat Allah).
Surah Ibrahim (14:34)

We rarely thank Allah (SWT) for these things which are indeed great favors. Take a little pause and think for a while about the bounties of Allah Almighty within yourself. May Allah (SWT) grant us the ability to recognize His bounties and thank Him more often.

Kita jarang bersyukur kepada Allah (SWT) untuk hal-hal yang memang sangat terasa nikmatnya. Ambillah sedikit ruang dan berfikir sejenak tentang kurnia Allah Yang Maha Kuasa, kepada diri kita. Semoga Allah (SWT) memberikan kita kemampuan untuk mengenali kurnian-Nya dan sering kali kita berterima kasih kepadaNya.


- kita manusia yg byk kali lalai..termasuk sy nie...

- Ya Allah, semoga dipermudahkan perjalanan hidup kami sehingga kami dibangkitkan kembali di akhirat....

source :
Dihantar Oleh: NJ maniac*
Editor 1: b_b
Editor 2: mranip1086


  1. Assalamualaikum
    alhamdulillhirabbil'alamin kan atas kasih sayang dan rahmat Allah yang tek bertepi untuk kita.memang tak terbayar..

  2. Alhamdulillah...
    sesungguhnya ksih syg yg Dia beri xt'nilai oleh ksih syg mnusia...

    "sentiasa igt padaNya..."

    "stiap ujian ad hkmhnya..kmbali smula pd yg Esa..."

  3. waalaikumsalam..

    to akak Ummu Masyitah :

    ermm..betol tue..

    semoga kita sentiasa menjadi org yg bersyukur kan..

    to nur_eza :

    terima kasih kerna sudi ziarah n membaca ye..huhu..

    apapun semoga kita dilindungi dan diredhai atas apa yg kita lakukan utk Allah (SWT).


  4. salam, terima ksh ziarah blog sy. all the best juga..

    moga kita sentiasa tak lupa pdNya bila susah dn senang....thank you Allah
